Khartoum Amateur Radio Satellite Ground Station

University of Khartoum Satellite Ground Station

University of Khartoum Satellite Ground Station

Students at the  University of Khartoum are undertaking a CubeSat project KN-SAT1 and Nader, ST2NH. has made a video of their recently completed ground station.

KN-SAT1 is the first CubeSat to be built in Sudan. Its objectives are:

  1. To give students at Sudanese Unversities a hands-on space project experience.
  2. To document the process and skills and forward it to more students and post graduated engineers.
  3. To promote space engineering and space science education at other Sudanese educational institutes.
  4. Building, testing and launching the cube satellite.
  5. Monitoring and tracking the cube satellite.
  6. Telecommand the cube satellite.
  7. Collecting the telemetry and the mission data for analysis and evaluation.

Watch UOK-Satellite Ground Station .wmv


Sudanese Amateur Radio and SWL History