Consultation on amateur radio use of 2310 and 3400 MHz

AMSAT-UK_Bevelled_LogoOfcom has published a consultation relating to amateur use of the 2310-2450 MHz and 3400-3475 MHz spectrum bands.

These frequencies are within, and adjacent to, spectrum planned for release by the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The MoD plans to release 40 MHz of spectrum between 2350 and 2390 MHz and a further 150 MHz from 3410 to 3600 MHz for new civil uses. The technical and regulatory aspects of this release will be the subject of a full consultation in due course. In advance of this, we are consulting on proposals to make changes to the Amateur Radio Licence for these bands.

Ofcom say: it is likely that the released MoD spectrum will be used for wireless broadband using 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) or LTE advanced technology.

Based on our technical analysis we believe that the impact and likelihood of harmful interference being caused by amateur uses to new uses in the release band [2350-2390 and 3410-3600 MHz] are sufficiently severe to preclude continued use following the release.

We are also consulting on proposals for the adjacent bands [2310-2350, 2390-2400 and 3400-3410 MHz]. Our current thinking is that amateurs should continue to be granted access to the adjacent bands although with additional terms in the licence which amend the current terms of access to these bands. Continued access would be on the basis that interference may not be caused to new and existing uses in the release and adjacent bands and that no protection from interference from those new uses can be expected.

The consultation closes on July 22, 2013.

The consultation and information on how to respond is available at

Consultation PDF document

The Wireless Waffle site notes that radiomicrophone users were compensated when they there forced out of their spectrum. Read the Wireless Waffle story at

It is worth noting that in some countries amateur radio access to the entire 2300-2400 MHz band has been completely lost to 4G LTE.

Sweden loses 2300 MHz band

Eire to sell 2300 MHz

Australia – LTE in 2300-2400 MHz

Ofcom 2400 MHz Consultation closes June 19