AMSAT members wave at Cassini

AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium Wave To Cassini - Image Credit Neil PA9N

AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium Attendees Wave To Cassini – Image Credit Neil PA9N

NASA asked people to wave at the Cassini space probe which was taking pictures from near Saturn. Attendees at the AMSAT-UK International Space Collquium responded enthusiastically

On Friday, July 19 between 21:27 and 21:47 UT NASA’s Cassini spacecraft took images of Saturn, with the planet Earth in the background nearly 1.5 billion kilometers away. NASA encouraged the public to look and wave in the direction of Saturn at the time of the portrait and share their pictures via the Internet.

AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium attendees were among the many world-wide who did just that.

NASA Interplanetary Probes to Take Pictures of Earth From Space

JPLers Wave at Saturn as Part of Worldwide Campaign