Radio amateurs receive Rosetta signals

Computer generated image of Rosetta

Computer generated image of Rosetta

James Miller G3RUH reports reception of the Rosetta spacecraft signal at a distance of 805 million km from Earth using the 20 metre dish at the Bochum amateur radio facility

Bochum Amateur Radio Facility

Amateur Radio Facility at Bochum

On the AMSAT Bulletin Board (AMSAT-BB) James Miller G3RUH writes:

Just a quick note about Rosetta X-band.  I checked it this morning from Bochum.

2014 Jan 21 [Tue] 0934 utc
AZ    172°
El    11°
R    805 Million km
CNR    25.5 dB(Hz)
QRG  8421.786900 MHz at the spacecraft

Rosetta is about 14 dB weaker than Stereo A/B.

The system at Bochum has a G/T approx 40 dB(1/K).

Rosetta signal received by Bertrand Pinel F5PL

Rosetta signal received by Bertrand Pinel F5PL

Bertrand Pinel F5PL, located near Castelnaudary, France, 65km from Toulouse, successfully tracked Rosetta on January 21, 2014 at 10:00 UT, using a 3.5m dish antenna, see

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