Amateur Radio Society Receives Award

Surrey EARS - Mascot Stevie Stag in Near-Space

Surrey EARS – Mascot Stevie Stag in Near-Space

The Surrey Electronics and Amateur Radio Society (EARS) have received the Special Interest Society of the Year award.

The Society say “Surrey EARS has been working hard to be one of the best societies on campus and this year our work has been officially recognised. At the student awards ceremony we received the award for Special Interest Society of the Year and just recently have been recognised as a Gold Society by the students union. This is a great achievement for us and we hope to do even more in the coming year”.

On Saturday, July 26 members of Surrey EARS will be giving a presentation on their recent high altitude balloon flight to the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium at the Holiday Inn, Guildford, GU2 7XZ, the event is open to all, further details at

Surrey EARS make newspaper front page

Surrey EARS