ARISSat-1 – Gould Smith WA4SXM Interview

ARRL Test Engineer Bob Allison, WB1GCM, discusses the Amateur Radio satellite ARISSat-1/KEDR with Project Manager Gould Smith, WA4SXM, and talks with Jan King VK4GEY/W3GEY about OSCAR-5.

Watch the Gould Smith, WA4SXM, interview recorded at the 2011 AMSAT Symposium in San Jose, California. Videography by Jerry Ramie, KI6LGY.

The grab handles on ARISSat-1 were provided by a member of AMSAT-UK.

Watch the Jan King VK4GEY/W3GEY interview

ARISSat-1/KEDR update on YouTube

Catch the Last ARISSat-1 Telemetry Contest

AMSAT-UK publishes a colour A4 newsletter, OSCAR News, which is full of Amateur Satellite information.
Free sample issue at

ARISSat-1 may de-orbit in April 2012

According to predictions from Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, the ARISSat-1satellite is due to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere in early April 2012.

Launched from the International Space Station on August 8, the satellite is traveling in a low orbit and is steadily losing altitude. The rate of orbital decay may be accelerated by increasing atmospheric density caused by increased solar activity. With that factor in mind, some ARISSat-1 decay predictions suggest re-entry as early as February 1.

ARISSat-1 remains quite active, sending voice messages, digital telemetry and Slow Scan TV images.

Amateurs have also been able to enjoy contacts through ARISSat-1’s linear transponder despite the fact that the UHF antenna was apparently damaged prior to (or during) deployment.

Last month, AMSAT-NA announced a competition to see who can record the last bits of telemetry as ARISSat-1 makes its final plunge.

To decode the CW or BPSK telemetry you must use the ARISSATTLM software for Windows or Mac OS. The CW signal is transmitted at 145,919 MHz and the BPSK signal appears at 145,920 MHz, plus or minus Doppler.

Catch the Last ARISSat-1 Telemetry

Now that the submissions are complete for the Chicken Little Contest, AMSAT is announcing a new contest: Catch the Last ARISSat-1 Telemetry. With luck, we will have real time data to go along with the final reentry. While telemetry sent by e-mail is valuable and requested, the contest will be judged solely on data sent through the official ARISSatTLM programs directly to the Internet telemetry server.

How do I enter? Simple. Just submit ARISSat-1 telemetry over the Internet using either ARISSatTLM telemetry program. You can use the PC version or the MAC version of ARISSatTLM. You are automatically eligible.

Are there separate categories for entrants? No.

How is the winner determined? The call, or name, in the last block of data received by telemetry server wins.

How will the winner be announced? Via the usual AMSAT News Service, and on the Chicken Little Contest site.

If ARISSat-1 fails sometime before reentry, does it count? Yes! Engineering data is essential input for future projects!

What do I get if I win? A certificate in PDF format suitable for framing, and the gratitude of the ARISSat-1 team.

In short, just keeps those telemetry blocks flowing!

Remember: you can see the latest ARISSat-1 telemetry at

Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH]



Online pass predictions (select ARISSat-1)

Download the Windows and Mac versions of the ARISSatTLM free ground station soundcard demodulator and display software from

ARISSat-1 Frequency Guide

ARISSat used as teaching tool, covered in local newspaper

ARISSat used as teaching tool, covered in local newspaper

Matt Severin, principal of Dowagiac Middle School in Michigan, took some of his students outside to track and listen to the satellite ARISSat-1 on Tuesday, September 13.

Two years earlier, Severin, then principal of Sister Lakes Elementary School, had a picture taken of the students and submitted it to be flown on ARISSat.

On Tuesday, the students were able to track the satellite, listen to greetings in several languages and receive telemetry as well as SSTV (Slow Scan Television) images with a goal to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).

The Daily News posted a story on this activity.