Surrey EARS make newspaper front page

Surrey EARS in Surrey Advertiser May 16

Surrey EARS in Surrey Advertiser May 16, 2014

The Surrey Electronics and Amateur Radio Society (EARS) 434 MHz balloon flight was the top news story on the front page of the Surrey Advertiser newspaper.

On Sunday, May 4, the Surrey EARS team launched a High Altitude Balloon from Cambridgeshire carrying University of Surrey mascot Stevie Stag. The balloon had a flight time of around three hours, reached almost 100,000 feet and travelled just over 70 miles including a portion of the ascent right over the city of Cambridge. The transmissions from the balloon on 434 MHz were received in the UK, France, Netherlands and Germany.

After the launch EARS auctioned Stevie Stag, the only Stag to fly to the edge of space, on eBay to raise money for the mental health charity Mind.

Read the story Space traveling stag auctioned for more than £200

Watch Stevie Stag Goes to Space! High Altitude Balloon Flight Video

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