NEXUS CubeSat Will Have Mode-J Transponder

JAMSAT stand at the Tokyo Ham Radio Fair August 2014

JAMSAT stand at the Tokyo Ham Radio Fair August 2014

The Japan AMSAT Association (JAMSAT) and students at the Nippon University are jointly developing a CubeSat called NEXUS which will have a 145 to 435 MHz (Mode-J) transponder and a 38 kbps data downlink.

JAMSAT CubeSat Board

JAMSAT CubeSat Board

Nippon University students have previously developed the SEEDS and SPROUT satellites. NEXUS is an achronym of “Next Education X (cross) Unique Satellite”, it will be 1U CubeSat with a mass of between 1 and 1.5 kg.

The NEXUS team hope to:
● Provide amateur radio communications via the 145/435 MHz transponder and SSTV
● Download pictures from the 640×480 pixel camera
● Operate the data downlink at 38400 bps QPSK
● Compare the performance of the data downlink when using AFSK, GMSK and QPSK modes

The launch is expected to take place on January 17, 2019.

NEXUS website in Google English


JAMSAT in Google English