Ham Radio – A golden age of opportunity

Rupert Goodwins G6HVY

Rupert Goodwins G6HVY

Broadcaster and technology journalist Rupert Goodwins G6HVY writes about amateur radio on the Technology and Gadget website ARS Technica. He highlights the STEM work carried out by the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program.

Rupert says: It’s a good time to be technical. Maker communities are thriving around the world, tools and materials to create and adapt are cheaper and more powerful now than ever, and open source hardware, software, and information mean that if you can think it, you can learn how to do it and then make it happen.

For one group of technological explorers, this is more than just a golden age of opportunity: it’s providing the means to save one of the oldest traditions in electronic invention and self-education, one that helped shape the modern world: amateur radio.

Read the article at http://arstechnica.co.uk/gadgets/2016/06/when-everything-else-fails-amateur-radio-will-still-be-there-and-thriving/

Rupert Goodwins G6HVY

What is Amateur Radio? http://www.essexham.co.uk/what-is-amateur-radio

Find an amateur radio training course near you https://thersgb.org/services/coursefinder/

A free booklet is available aimed at introducing newcomers to the hobby that can also be used as a handy reference while getting started, see

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