Russian SiriusSat CubeSats to be deployed during spacewalk

SiriusSat-1 RS13S and SiriusSat-2 RS14S CubeSats

SiriusSat-1 (RS13S) and SiriusSat-2 (RS14S) CubeSats

Two Russian CubeSats are expected be deployed from the International Space Station on Wednesday, August 15 during a spacewalk (EVA).

SiriusSat-1 (SXC1-181) call sign RS13S beacon 435.570 MHz
SiriusSat-2 (SXC1-182) call sign RS14S beacon 435.670 MHz

The satellites are at RSC Energia, where they are undergoing additional checks before being sent to the International Space Station. A launch is planned for July 10 on a Progress cargo vehicle to the ISS with deployment in August during a spacewalk.

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