5 watt 2.4 GHz Amplifier Kit for QO-100

5 watt 2400 MHz Amplifier Kit

5 watt 2400 MHz Amplifier Kit

The AMSAT-UK shop is now stocking a 5 watt 2.4 GHz amplifier kit for use with the QO-100 geostationary satellite.

The amplifier was designed by Kurt Moraw DJ0ABR and the kit was implemented by Arved Viehweger M0KDS.

The kit includes a single sided PCB on which is already mounted the PA transistor, there is a suitable heat sink on which to mount the PCB with the provided screws. All electronic components are included as are 2 SMA sockets. Assembly of the kits will require some surface mount components to be soldered to the PCB.

Note: It does not include a case for the unit and a separate 24 volt power supply will be required.

Kit details at https://shop.amsat-uk.org/QO-100_5W_Amplifier_Kit_designed_by_DJ0ABR_and_implemented_by_M0KDS/p3815740_20307881.aspx

Assembled PCB https://shop.amsat-uk.org/product/u-100ampassembled

QO-100 information https://amsat-uk.org/satellites/geo/eshail-2/