RSGB Tonight @ 8 Video – Getting started on QO-100

Es'hail-2 Qatar-OSCAR-100On Monday, July 27 Dom Smith M0BLF gave an online talk – Getting started on QO-100as part of the RSGB Tonight @ 8 live webinar series.

Dom’s lockdown project was to complete a set up for the QO-100 amateur radio transponders that are hosted on the geostationary satellite Es’hail-2. This was the first amateur radio payload to be put into a geostationary orbit and provides constant and reliable coverage for amateur voice, data and television contacts over the whole of Africa, Europe and the Middle East and even as far as Brazil in the west, and Thailand in the east.

Getting started on QO-100 is a talk in two halves: first we’ll watch the video, showing the particular set-up chosen—and there are many!—and then there will be chance for a Q&A. The equipment list can be see at

Watch Getting Started on QO-100 by Dom Smith, M0BLF

Dom Smith, M0BLF has been a radio amateur for nearly 25 years since being licensed at the age of 14 in 1996. He is an active member of the Camb-Hams and Cambridge University Wireless Society (CUWS), and may often be heard contesting, climbing hills for Summits on the Air, and assisting Cambridgeshire RAYNET. He also enjoys travelling for DXPeditions, most recently as JW/M0BLF, VP2MUW and ZC4UW, and he manages QSL cards for most CUWS trips. On top of all that, he volunteers with Cambridge 105 Radio, the local community broadcast station, on the engineering team.

Professionally, Dom works as a Cloud Solutions Architect in the software team at the Royal Society of Chemistry and he holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies.

Watch other RSGB Tonight @ 8 videos at

QO-100 information

QO-100 products in the AMSAT-UK shop