RSGB awards Louis Varney Cup to Dave Crump G8GKQ

Dave Crump G8GKQ

Dave Crump G8GKQ

At the RSGB AGM held on Saturday, April 24, 2021 the Society awarded the Louis Varney Cup for advances in space communications to Dave Crump G8GKQ.

Dave accepts this award as Chair of the British Amateur Television Club. His leadership of the BATC community, both in the UK and overseas, has been instrumental in enabling the QO100 satellite wideband transponder to be fully utilized with many new DATV systems being developed since the launch of the spacecraft.

This award acknowledges the exciting and significant contributions made by many members of the BATC, both in terms of software and hardware.

RSGB 2021 Awards and Trophies

Info on the QO-100 Geostationary satellite transponders