FUNcube-1 Bletchley Park monitoring station ready for launch

FUNcube-1 Monitoring Station at the NRC Bletchley Park

FUNcube-1 Monitoring Station at the NRC Bletchley Park

FUNcube team members spent Wednesday, November 20, setting up and testing the satellite monitoring station at the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) in Bletchley Park.

All members of the FUNcube development team (except Gerard Albers, who has had to stay Holland) are now assembled at National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park ready for the launch early tomorrow morning.

We have spent the day adding satellite equipment to the existing excellent demonstration station. As part of our testing, we made a couple of QSOs via VO-52, one with UR3CTB and another with OH5LK. Earlier in the day, we also confirmed that we could receive signals from a low elevation pass of the same satellite. So we are poised for an early start tomorrow morning.

WiMo Satellite Antennas at the NRC Bletchley Park

WiMo Satellite Antennas at the NRC Bletchley Park

The launch of FUNcube-1 is planned for Thursday, November 20, at 07:10:11 UT on a Dnepr from Dombarovsky near Yasny in the Russian Federation.

A live video stream from the Bletchley Park station is at

CPUT in South Africa have said there will be live TV coverage of the launch at

Preliminary Keplerian Two-Line Elements (TLEs):
1 99991U 00000    13325.30956308  .00000106  00000-0  10000-3 0 00010
2 99991 097.7956 038.2570 0059925 198.5190 336.5388 14.77841394000015

Satellite tracking

Follow the FUNcube-1 launch day chat on the #funcube1 IRC channel

Follow the Dnepr CubeSat launch day chat on the #cubesat IRC channel

FUNcube-1 Launch Day Mug

FUNcube-1 Launch Day Mug

FUNcube information sheets:
•  FUNcube Project Information Leaflet
•  FUNcube Educational Outreach Leaflet

FUNcube Handbook v1.3

FUNcube website

Forum for Question and Answers on FUNcube Satellite and Dashboard App

FUNcube Yahoo Group