ÑUSAT-1 SSB/CW Transponder Satellite

LU Satellite Experiment Payload ÑUSAT-1, carrying an amateur radio 435/145 MHz linear transponder and a 436 MHz telemetry beacon, was launched May 30, 2016 at 0317 UT on a CZ-4B rocket from Taiyuan into 500 km 97 degree inclination  polar orbit. With ÑUSAT-1 on the launch was its sister satellite ÑUSAT-2 which has a 437 MHz beacon.

ÑuSAT-1 and ÑuSAT-2 beacons

ÑuSAT-1 and ÑuSAT-2 beacons

UPDATE May 30, 2016 at 1300 UT: ÑUSAT-1 and ÑUSAT-1 launched and deployed successfully, signals reported from both telemetry beacons. Satellogic reports “All Systems: Nominal”.

AMSAT-LU reports both satellites are sending strong TLM on 436.445/437.445 at 9K6/19K2 GFSK. During first few days they are being stabilized, after that the U/V linear transponder will be activated on ÑUSAT-1. A notice will be given on the AMSAT Bulletin Board (AMSAT-BB).

AMSAT Argentina say:

As we quoted when the announcement of the launching of this experiment, Amsat Argentina has been working for several years to keep alive the dream of many Argentine amateurs to get back into Space with their own satellite as a follow-on of the legendary 1990’s LUSAT-1, reaping the benefits of Technological advancement of our days.

We believe technical activities and developments of experiments in near space share the same goals: preserving the human group, enhancing their capabilities as well as disseminate and guiding the education and development of the activity, meanwhile contributing to Space available resources.

Our agreement with Satellogic Enterprises, which already launched three low orbit satellites: Captain Beto, Manolito y Tita, two of which transmit telemetry and data currently in UHF identifying themselves with callsign LU7AA, allowed us to ride a linear analog amateur radio transponder and corresponding antenna aboard one of their next satellite, ÑUSAT-1

AMSAT-LU provides simultaneously, support for this mission and the ÑUSAT-2 mission, by operating one of the control stations at Tortuguitas, Prov. Of Bs.As.

The experiment Amsat-LU developed, evolved from original design of our colleague and partner William, PE1RAH, while electronic adaptation, mechanical and software was made by the LU Satellite Experiment group, mounted on a 10 x 10 centimeters radiating plate, in which components of the power supply as well as a duplexer and dual band antenna where also incorporated.

This set was installed on the Ñusat-1 bus, which supplies power and becomes part of several other experiments this satellite will make.

The transponder receives UHF which is broadcasted in VHF, has a bandwidth of 30 kHz. with an output power of 250 mW.

435.935 ~ 435.965 are LSB/CW uplink passband
145.965 ~ 145.935 are USB/CW downlink passband
145.900 Basic CW Telemetry

Telemetry beacons:
ÑUSAT-1 436.445 MHz 9k6 GFSK
ÑUSAT-2 437.445 MHz 9k6 GFSK


info [at] amsat.org.ar