1240-1300 MHz band discussed by CEPT WGFM and CPG/PTA

WRC-2000 saw the Galileo Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) get an allocation at 1260-1300 MHz. This was the same ITU conference that saw 432-438 MHz being allocated for satellites that carry Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) systems.

In January 2006 Peter Blair G3LTF published a paper Potential Interference To Galileo From 23cm Band Operations. This described the proposed Galileo system design and its applications with particular reference to the E6 (1260-1300 MHz) band. It described the operation of typical Galileo receivers and their ability to deal with interference and gave practical illustrations of these effects.

The 30-satellite Galileo system (24 operational and 6 active spares) is expected to be completed by 2020.

A paper at the CEPT WGFM meeting #93 held in Rome, February 4-8, 2019, titled Coexistence between AS [Amateur Services] and RNSS in the Frequency Range 1260-1300 MHz said:

At the most recent meeting of CPG/PTA #5 in September 2018 the European Commission provided a proposal for Agenda Item 10 of WRC-19 on the amateur service allocation in L band. The EC contribution (CPG/PTA(18)080) proposed to consider an extension of the spectrum allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis in the range 1300 – 1350 MHz. Germany announced at that meeting that a measurement campaign was already planned to investigate further the coexistence of applications in the amateur service and the radionavigation-satellite service [RNSS] particularly in the frequency range 1260 – 1300 MHz.

Since then these measurements were carried out at the premises of the “Universität der Bundeswehr München” (University of Federal Armed Forces Munich) mid December 2018 and a report on the issue is in preparation. At CPG/PTA #5 the meeting agreed to wait for the results of the measurement before taking any further action. Currently the measurement data is being processed and the results will be reported to CPG/PTA #6 in April 2019. Germany would offer to present this report also to WG FM.

Depending on the results the issue could become an enforcement issue for CEPT and, hence, may become a topic for further consideration in WG FM and WG SE.

WGFM Meeting #93 Paper: Coexistence between Amateur Services and RNSS (Galileo) in the Frequency Range 1260-1300 MHz

The CPG/PTA meeting #6 held in Bucharest April 1-5, 2019, saw this proposal:

PTA is asked to consider the results of these tests to determine if appropriate actions are required.

A possible action could be to propose a new Agenda Item for WRC-23 to address the issue. The subject could be: to consider the possible additional spectrum allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis above 1300 MHz (or in another frequency band to be determined), with a view to progressively migrate the radio amateurs services from the band 1240-1300 MHz to the new band. To study an ITU recommendation for the coexistence of services in the band 1240-1300 MHz in the short/medium term.

CPG/PTA meeting #6 paper: PTA(19)061 EC-JRC_Compatibility between amateur and Galileo

WRC-19 Conference Preparatory Group meeting documents

2015 European Commission Joint Research Centre report Compatibility between Amateur Radio Services and Galileo in the 1260-1300 MHz Radio Frequency Band – download PDF here

January 2006 – Potential Interference To Galileo From 23cm Band Operations

ISS Slow Scan TV June 5-6

ISS SSTV MAI-75 image 9/12 received by Chertsey Radio Club on Baofeng handheld

ISS SSTV MAI-75 image 9/12 received by Chertsey Radio Club on Baofeng handheld

A Russian MAI-SSTV event is planned from the International Space Station for Wednesday, June 5 from 12:00-16:00 GMT and June 6 from 11:30-15:30 GMT.

ARISS say they expect transmissions to be at 145.800 MHz FM in SSTV mode PD120. Based on the times received, they do not expect SSTV signals over North America.

Check here for updates https://twitter.com/ARISS_status

This event uses a computer in the ISS Russian Segment, which stores images that are then transmitted to Earth using the ARISS amateur radio station located in the Service Module which employs the Kenwood TM D710E transceiver.

Once the event begins the transmissions should be transmitted on 145.800 MHz FM using the PD-120 SSTV mode.

Amateur radio operators and other radio enthusiasts are invited to post the images they receive at http://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_SSTV/index.php

Please note that the event is dependent on other activities, schedules and crew responsibilities on the ISS and is subject to change at any time.

You can use online radios to receive signals from the International Space Station:
• SUWS WebSDR located Farnham near London http://farnham-sdr.com/
• R4UAB WebSDR located European Russia http://websdr.r4uab.ru/

ISS SSTV information and links https://amsat-uk.org/beginners/iss-sstv/

AMSAT-UK payload on ESEO has been activated

Frame received by PQ2HX in Brazil at around 14:17 UTC on April 12, 2019

Frame received by PQ2HX in Brazil at around 14:17 UTC on April 12, 2019

ESA have just released a new mission update for the ESEO Mission. It can be seen at https://www.esa.int/Education/ESEO/ESEO_mission_updates

We are delighted that on April 12, 2019, the BPSK telemetry transmitter, on our payload, was enabled for a period of just over 200 minutes in orbit!

ESEO AMSAT-UK Payload Telemetry Data

ESEO AMSAT-UK Payload Telemetry Data

Although we were not able to announce this activation in advance, more than ten stations around the world successfully received the telemetry on 145.895 MHz and submitted it to the FUNcube Data Warehouse. We are very grateful to them for their support.

Over 50 channels of Real Time and Whole Orbit Data were collected. For example, a number of on-board temperatures are shown in this graph which covers the period from 11:58 to 13:36 UTC

The very last frame received was captured by PQ2HX in Brazil at around 14:17 UTC.

We are keenly awaiting further possibilities to exercise more of the payload as soon as this becomes possible but, in the meantime, is good to know that all the telemetry channels reported nominal values.

FUNcube Patch on ESA PFC 71


Neil Melville-Kenney PA9N wearing FUNcube Patch on ESA PFC 71 - Credit Novespace and ESA

Neil Melville-Kenney PA9N wearing FUNcube Patch on ESA PFC 71 – Credit Novespace and ESA

Neil Melville-Kenney, PA9N, has been a long time supporter of amateur radio space since the days of the SSETI Express mission. He is presently the ESA Parabolic Flight Coordinator and today took the opportunity to fly a FUNcube patch during the ESA PFC 71 microgravity mission.

FUNcube Mission Patch

Neil presented an account of his activities during the 2018 AMSAT-UK Colloquium and the three FUNcubes, AO73, EO88 and JO97 continue to provide a 24/7 service with their 2 metre downlinks.

You can follow Neil on Twitter at https://twitter.com/NMK_ZeroG

The FUNcube Mission Patch is available from the AMSAT-UK shop at

RSGB AGM Es’hail-2 / QO-100 talk now available

Dave Crump G8GKQ, Phil Crump M0DNY and Noel Matthews G8GTZ receive award from RSGB President Dave Wilson M0OBW - image credit RSGB

Dave Crump G8GKQ, Phil Crump M0DNY and Noel Matthews G8GTZ receive award from RSGB President Dave Wilson M0OBW – image credit RSGB

The RSGB have made available a recording and slides of the presentation given at the AGM on April 27, 2019 about the Es’hail-2 / QO-100 amateur radio transponders.

After the formal AGM proceedings and the trophy presentations, attendees were treated to an introductory talk on Qatar-Oscar 100 geostationary satellite given by Noel Matthews, G8GTZ, Dave Crump, G8GKQ and Phil Crump, M0DNY.

Listen to the talk and download the slides at

Play the Listen to AGM 2019 afternoon recording and fast forward to 20 minutes and 41 seconds in. The slides are near the bottom of the page.

Qatar OSCAR-100 web receiver now live