KN-SAT Prototype-2

University of Khartoum KN-SAT Prototype-2

University of Khartoum KN-SAT Prototype-2

The KN-SAT Cubesat team at the University of Khartoum (UofK), Sudan, have successfully completed the design and development of the Prototype-2. This has been a result of hard work and dedication throughout the last year.

KN-SAT-1 Picture 2Dr. Sharief F Babikir writes: “I must convey my deep respect and admiration to the Technical Manager of the team, Dr. Nader Omer ST2NH whose leadership, unparalleled knowledge and professionalism has been behind the success of Prototype-2 as it has undeniably been behind Prototype-1.”


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KN-SAT-1 Picture 1