First picture from FITSAT-1 on 5840.0 MHz

First picture from FITSAT-1 on 5840.0 MHz showing the solar panels on the ISS

When the FITSAT-1 CubeSat was deployed from the International Space Station on October 4 it took a picture using the on-board camera. On Friday, October 19 UT, the team successfully downloaded the picture using the high-speed 115.2 kbps data transmitter on 5840.0 MHz.

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ISS Amateur Radio CubeSats Deployed

Kibo Robot Arm CubeSat Deployment

Kibo Robot Arm CubeSat Deployment – Image Credit JAXA

On October 4, 2012 five CubeSats were successfully deployed from the International Space Station (ISS). The first pod containing RAIKO and WE-WISH was deployed at 1437 UT while the second pod containing FITSAT-1, F-1 and TechEdSat deployed at 1544 UT. Pictures can be seen at

October 4 was also the 55th anniversary of the launch of the first satellite Sputnik 1. Videos of Sputnik are here.

Four of the CubeSats carry Amateur Radio payloads, they are TechEdSat, F-1, FITSAT-1, and WE-WISH. As of Oct 5, 1015 UT signals had been reported from WE-WISH and FITSAT-1 as well as weak signal reports for TechEdSat.

ISS CubeSat Frequency Chart – Image Credit Mike Rupprecht DK3WN

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Video – Make It Happen – CubeSat Keynote Presentation

Korean artist Hojun Song DS1SBO traveled to Malmö in Sweden to give this keynote presentation about his innovative amateur radio CubeSat OSSI-1 to the Media Evolution Conference on August 23.

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OSSI CubeSat talk at Media Evolution Conference

Hojun Song DS1SBO at Media Evolution Conference – Image Credit Tricia Wang

Korean artist Hojun Song DS1SBO has traveled to Malmö in Sweden to give a presentation about his innovative amateur radio CubeSat OSSI-1 to the Media Evolution Conference taking place August 22-23.

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Video – How the Amateur Radio Satellite OSSI-1 Works

Donghee Park and Hojun Song with OSSI-1 CubeSat

Donghee Park and Hojun Song with OSSI-1 CubeSat

In this 20 minute video Korean artist Hojun Song DS1SBO and Donghee Park describe the Open Source Satellite Initiative amateur radio CubeSat OSSI-1.

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RSGB Amateur Radio Books used by Korean Satellite Pioneer

RSGB VHF-UHF Manual and Radio Communication Handbook used by Korean satellite pioneer Sungdong Park

The RSGB amateur radio books VHF-UHF Manual and the Radio Communication Handbook were referenced by Korean satellite pioneer Sungdong Park when he made the first Korean satellite KitSAT-OSCAR-23 in early 90’s.

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